On a dull, overcast morning without a breath of wind I took
Mr RO out in the other boat hoping for a day of good chat with a few fish
thrown in. After breaking through some
thin ice we arrived at the intended spot and commenced fishing, simple methods
– float legers and deadbaits, a couple of rods each. We planned to move regularly, every forty
minutes or so and eventually we should track down some fish. We started in an area from where I’d had a
few fish on a previous visit but without success so then took a long motor
downstream, from here we planned to gradually work our way back to base.
This furthest spot produced just one take to Mr RO but this
came off after a couple of seconds. At
the next spot I had a fast take on smelt and a lively fish writhed in the clear
water. This one made it into the boat, a
beautifully coloured mint fish just into double figures. The next couple of short moves were fishless
so we decided to motor a bit further for our next stop. Here things picked up, within a couple of
minutes my smelt cast along the reedline was off and I soon had a small fish in
the boat. Next it was Mr RO’s turn and
after another tug of war another mint double was in the boat, things were
looking up.
After that we made a couple of short moves within the same
general area and found a few more fish, at least Mr RO did boating a couple of
jacks. I had another take, on smelt
again but this one came off before I had much idea of what I was attached to. Things went quiet for a while so we had a
last move up towards base, a spot that doesn’t seem to attract many anglers
which is fine by me. Here Mr RO was away
within a minute or two and this turned out to be another low double and the
best fish of the day. We fished on until
we couldn’t see the floats by which time a day of basically sitting on my
backside doing nothing had left me thoroughly knackered.
The following morning I found myself wide awake at 0700 so
thought ‘fuck it, I might as well go fishing’.
It took a while to get myself ready and fight through the traffic, on
the way I couldn’t decide which stretch to head for. I ended up stopping at the first car park,
the area I’d had a few fish in recent weeks which had not been my intention
when I set out. It was 0845 before I
dropped a bait in, as usual I fished a couple of float legers and aimed to keep
on the move. The river had a good flow
and was looking nice, within minutes I had a ticking baitrunner but
unfortunately this was caused by a bloody Swan that had sneaked up
unnoticed. We had a fight and then a
cuddle before I managed to untangle the stupid bloody creature which
disappeared rapidly upstream to sulk.
Whether all that commotion had spooked the fish or not I had
an hour without any action. I recast the bluey upstream and this float was soon
bobbing around. Pick the rod up, wind
down and… Fuck it, I managed to miss it
somehow? This take on a repositioned
bait spurred me and I began a slow progression up river, what we used to call
leap frogging. The day was nice and
mild, the light south westerly as breaking up the clouds, allowing the odd
glimpse of blue sky. It was a pleasant
day to be out but for some reason my brain wasn’t working properly, I was
fishing but really just going through the motions, not putting any thought into
what I was doing. I had a night at the
football later so by 1315 it was time to head home and get the dinner on the
go. On my walk back I bumped into a
couple of cheeky geezers who tried pumping me for info “Where’s the best
spots geez? Has it been fishing well?”
I tried to be polite and succeeded in being non committal then upped my
pace and escaped.

I returned to the river a couple of days later at dawn in
near identical conditions and had a near identical result. This time I went further upriver and after
parking I walked upstream, beyond more familiar water and set up at a ‘new’
spot. Here there are a couple of nice
overhanging trees and a bit of depth so it looked pretty good to me. And the Pike agreed, within a few minutes a
bluey was heading rapidly upstream towards trailing branches. I hit it quicky and felt the bang, bang we
associate with small fish, then it came off.
Bugger, I hate losing any fish, whatever the size.
After that I followed a plan, kept on my toes and moved
regularly, every forty five minutes or so.
The first two swims were spots I’d never fished before but the next two
were ones I’d caught from previously. I
didn’t get a touch in any of them. I
passed another Piker who was also struggling or else he was playing it
clever… The next swim was another new
one which looked really nice, there may be nothing at home today but it looked
worth a punt on another, keep on movin’.
By now I was towards the far downstream end of the stretch with familiar
water in front of me. After a few
minutes in the latest swim the bluey was travelling once more, just reward for
all the wandering? It might have been
but I managed to strike thin air. I had
one more move, and fished till the floats were blobs but my luck didn’t change.
So that’s two blanks on the trot on the river but on both
occasions I’d found Pike and really should have put one in the net. Come to think of it I dropped a fish on my
last trip in the boat too so that’s four consecutive takes I’ve managed to
bugger up, what’s going on?? I’m using
the same double hook traces that I’ve always stuck in deadbaits since the late
eighties, I know this works. I hit fish
quickly and maybe I was a bit blasé with striking? But it’s probably nothing more than half a
bluey being a bit big on waters that hold Pike of all sizes. Must try not to overthink!
The thing about a couple of blanking is it doesn’t
dishearten me much, instead it pisses me off and makes me want to go out and
set things straight so a couple of days later that’s what I tried to do. I didn’t head out pre dawn or anything just
rolled out of bed at my usual time and was on the road around 0745, straight
into traffic hell. I’d seen the A road
queuing so diverted onto one of the back roads but of course everyone had the
same idea… I considered just turning
round and going home but pushed on and eventually found my way through the
worst. The next problem materialised
when I got near to my chosen stretch, lots of farm machinery that looked very
active and not at all quiet. For a
second time I was considering heading home but had a flash of inspiration and
instead pointed the car to another area further upstream that I hadn’t yet
fished. I had no expectations but at the
very least I’d be learning a little more about the river.So finally at 0955 I had a bluey upstream and a smelt down
river. This stretch was narrow and I had
a row of proper Chub bushes opposite me.
These swims always scream pike at me, the Chub will hopefully come some
time in the future. But in the present
the downstream float was moving and I was soon attached to a Pike which
thankfully stayed on the hooks for a change.
I unhooked this small fish and slipped it back, the smelt was still in
one piece so I swung this back out, sat down and rummaged in my bag for the
flask. A few minutes later it happened
again, the downstream float was jabbing and sliding towards the bushes so the
strike had to be quick. This Pike also
stayed on the hooks and I soon had it in the net, a bit bigger than the first.

So two Pike in the first twenty minutes but that was as good
as it got. After an hour it was time to
get moving so I slowly worked my way downstream and checked out a few more
swims with interesting features but none looked as good as the one I’d started in. By the time I called time in the early
afternoon I’d covered a fair bit of water, learnt a little more but hadn’t
found any Pike.

Another day and things went a little more to plan, there were no
traffic holdups and the novelty of a beautiful dawn sky through the passenger
side window. Down the narrow lanes, Deer
skipped across the field to the right, I was soon parking the car and locking
the gate behind me. I loaded up and
hiked way upstream and settled into a spot between overhanging trees, fishing
just before 0800. Today was different
weather wise, the gloom and stillness had lifted, a southerly breeze was
stirring things and there were gaps of blue between the clouds. The river was still carrying a bit of winter
tinge but the pace appears to be slowing a little.
I spent a couple of hours searching this upstream end,
moving every forty five minutes or so fishing mostly spots that were new to me. The only action was a big swirl just upstream
of my bait followed seconds later by the float stabbing and my heart
racing. It was heading towards a snag so
I wound down quickly to absolutely nothing then a bloody Cormorant surfaced in
front of me, a lucky escape I think.
With nothing showing this far up river I took a good walk back
downstream and after half an hour on a sweeping bend with rods poking through
gaps in the tall reeds, I settled into a swim that had produced a couple of
fish last month. I dropped a smelt in
close upstream and a bluey under armed across to settle in a slack. By now the blue sky was a memory, clouds were
gathering and the forecast was for rain by lunch time. It only took ten minutes before the bluey
started heading upstream and I soon had a jack in the net. The bluey was returned to the spot and
minutes later was bobbing away again, I wound into it, felt the headshakes and
the fish was off. It didn’t have any
weight to it, don’t overthink it.
The rain came early but was light and not much of a discomfort. I gave it another hour here before the feet
were itching, a short walk to a reed lined bend. I switched the smelt for a sardine but stuck
with the well chewed bluey and within minutes I had another take on it. This fish was a bit bigger and tried to fight
but ended up swimming in ever decreasing circles and into the net. This bait was good to go again and it had
hardly settled before it started bobbing again, I wound down once more but
there was nothing doing and soon after a recast the same thing happened on the
sardine. I’ve had a few dropped takes
here this season, sometimes a sign of pressure but I haven’t seen many other

After a quiet half hour I had another move to the downstream
end of a tunnel of Norfolk reeds, the sardine went upstream and the bluey
down. It took a bit longer this time,
about fifteen minutes and it was the sardine on the move. This was a better fish which pulled a bit of
line off the clutch before it went in the net.
I weighed it to find it wasn’t quite my best from the river so far and I
thought I’d try for a photo of me actually holding a fish, it didn’t go
well. By now it was early afternoon and
the rain was becoming more annoying, I decided I’d had enough. While I was tidying the first rod the float
on the other started misbehaving it was definitely a fish but once again the
bait was dropped before I felt any weight.
Should I stay a bit longer? No,
the weather was only going to get worse, I’d had enough.

It’s been probably twenty years since I’ve done any of this
small river Pike fishing and I’d forgotten how much fun it can be. I only take what I can comfortably carry and
roaming around is easy, even with two rods.
I’ve been using my old 42” triangular net because it is easier to carry
but I’ve come to realise the boat net I’ve become used to is much better for
the actual job it’s intended for. There
are loads of pikey looking features on the river, shelter for a fish wandering
up and down river, I think some days they’ll hold a fish or two but not always. The trick is to find the more consistent
areas and after a bit of legwork I think maybe this is starting to come
together. But time marches on and for
the rest of this season there will be a bit less of that and a bit more other