December, my least favourite month and because I never
worked out what was happening with work leave in this interrupted year I have a
few days off. Once upon a time I would
have spent every single one of them by the waterside but nowadays I take it
easy, a trip here and another one there will do for me.
I woke up on a gloomy, grey morning with persistent rain,
enough to flood the river again I expect.
Certainly enough to put me off going fishing this morning, the good
thing about keeping diaries, I KNOW my chosen water doesn’t fish well in grey,
rainy weather.
So me and Isaac arrived in the early afternoon by which time
the clouds had broken up and at one point there was even a brief appearance
from the sun. By the time we’d got the
boat loaded, rowed out and baits in the water it was around 1330. We shared rods with five deadbaits scattered
about the boat, fishing a spot I’d caught a few from in recent times. It didn’t take long before Isaac was away on
smelt. He wound down, done everything
right but for some reason the fish didn’t stay hooked. I had the next two takes, a bluey on a single
hook rig accounted for a seven pounder at 1400 then half an hour later I had a
low double on Mackerel. We moved after a
while, back upstream where Isaac had another take but this one was
dropped. By then it was getting dark and
by the time we got back to the boathouse I needed the head torch.

Two takes each but on this occasion the luck was on my
side. Its great fishing with my son, we
don’t do it often enough. I struggle to
get motivated to fish anywhere other than the special place nowadays but I enjoyed
fishing today, the best company and only a short trip.
A few days later I was out of bed at an ungodly hour and
soon driving north with ‘Chemical Brothers’ keeping me awake. I was a little held up at the slip, I wanted
to catch some bait and things didn’t go to plan but soon the bucket was
shimmering and I was heading out into the wilds. On paper everything was on my side; just
after New Moon, mild with a light south westerly and a bright sky for
once. Maybe it was too bright as the
predicted cloud cover didn’t arrive and despite working hard and moving often I
failed to find any Pike. That’s not
unusual in these parts but it didn’t spoil my day, still it was fantastic to be
back out there after more than a month away, travelling up during a lockdown
didn’t sit right. I didn’t see any Pike
but the Harriers were ever present and I saw a Bittern along with a large white
heron shaped thing that I think is a Great Egret? And still I dream of the unknown monster…

After a lay in and a day of rest I was feeling the urge again so the Princess dropped me off on her way to
work and the plan was to walk home along the river casting lures, starting at
the old ford and heading back upstream.
I also had a plan B worked in should the river be pushing through too
hard, the secret pit should be fishable and its five years since I last visited
it, who knows what has changed? It was a
beautiful sunny day, mild with a light south westerly and I arrived at the
river to find it just about fishable. I
walked along way and cast infrequently but where I did fish, my old K11
Kwikfish seemed to be working in the stream okay. The water was high which made it difficult
for me to read on this little known stretch and I didn’t feel confident.
I got to the pit and as expected it was even more overgrown
than before, the water was high but clear enough. I tried the bottleneck swim but could only
manage a couple of casts with a shad because there just wasn’t room. I walked round to the northern side where
there was a bit of space and within a couple of casts the shad was taken and I
gladly dragged a Jack into the margins.
After a few more minutes I felt I had fully covered the water available
so moved on again.
There’s only one more fishable spot on the pit but it’s a
good one, a small point with tree lined bays both sides and a view the length
of the pit. Within a few casts I felt a
bump on the shad, definitely a fish but it didn’t hook up. The same thing happened again a few minutes
later which gave me confidence to carry on and eventually I had a proper take
and landed another Jack, a little bigger than the first. After a tea break I resumed fishing and
covered the swim with a few different lures working different depths but
nothing else pulled back.

It wasn’t long before I got itchy feet so I clipped the
Kwikfish back on and returned to the river, trying to fish slacks where I could
find them. I was headed in the general
direction of home but soon came up against an obstacle, a ‘footpath closed’
sign blocking the rickety bridge. To
retrace my footsteps would have added a couple of miles and almost an hour to
my day so after the briefest of inspections I ignored the sign and
crossed. Another identical sign at the
other side seemed evidence that the only obstacle had been overcome but I could
see no reason to block the bridge, it seemed perfectly safe to me. So I resumed
fishing but nothing grabbed the lure and it had never really seemed
likely. It was nice to bump into a
couple of old acquaintances when I returned to civilisation and after a good
yarn I packed the gear away and yomped home via the park. A few hours in the countryside and a couple
of Jacks for my trouble, I’d have settled for that. I grew up fishing the gravel pits but how
long since I last caught a Pike from one?
A few days later I was awake at a reasonable hour, the
Princess was off to work again, did I fancy getting dropped off and walking the
river home again? Could I be arsed? In truth no, through the window it looked
horrible out there. But for some reason
I got my bits together and around 0900 found myself walking down a track
towards the river. This time I was a
couple of miles upstream and today I found the river lower, flowing nicely with
a tinge of colour. I felt confident fish
would at least see my lure and felt I was in with a chance. The cloud had broken up a bit and by now the
morning was a mixture of sunshine and gloomy periods with the occasional light
shower, mild with fresh winds from the south.
I began fishing with more confidence than I’d had the last time.
So I made my way downstream towards home, mostly fish shads
and sometimes a spinnerbait, casting here and there, gradually waking up. But nothing was happening, there were no
fishy pulls on my line and no sign of any fish of any description. Much of the river was straight, shallow and
uninviting but the further I walked the better things looked. At last a fish flashed at a shad but from the
glimpse I got it looked like a smallish Perch and it never returned. On a bit further and I felt a definite tap, a
few casts later something grabbed the Shad and with no fuss whatsoever I hauled
a Jack out of the river. It may have
been small but it was perfect. I’m
easily pleased on a trip like this; just catching a fish makes it a result, especially
as Pike seem to be much scarcer on my local river these days. Why is this?
The river is slowly dying and has been for many years now; the fish are
under more pressure from enemies with two feet, four feet and wings. Still
I had another couple of miles of interesting looking river to go at and if I
could catch one there was still every chance of another.

Most of the river looks the part along here and I’ve fished
it a few times without any real success and this was repeated today. All of it looked right and there were a
couple of pools that looked bang on for a Pike, this may be the case but today
they didn’t want my lures. After a
couple of miles of slip sliding through mud my legs were tired as I trudged
back up the road. Maybe I’ll do it
again? Maybe with a stick float and some
maggots? Maybe but first we have to get
through the festival of greed…