Normal service resumed...
I looked out of the window, rain lashing down with thunder and lightning,
did I really want to go fishing in this?
A few minutes later the storm had passed over and the sun was out once
more. I arrived at the Marsh and was
immediately disappointed to find it was busy, in fact I nearly kept driving but
no. I got out of the motor and had a
look around, the swim I’d had the Tench from last time out was taken as was my
second choice however another favourite was free. I had a quick word with the carper next door,
he seemed OK, friendly enough but it was quite obvious he wasn’t the chatty
type. That suited me down to the
ground. Mind made up I lugged my gear
into the free swim and began tackling up.

Normally I’d get the rods out before anything else but with threatening
clouds passing away to the east I decided to put the bivvy up and make sure
everything stayed dry first. The rods
soon followed; a chod rig and pop up maize cast about 30 yards to an emerging
lily bed and a balanced boilie was cast along the margin to my left. This rod was baited with a dozen free boilies
and three big balls of groundbait while the other had five big pouches of maize
spread over it. I was a little self-conscious
as it seemed every move I made was being scrutinised by two chatting carpers on
the northern bank. Unseen by them was a large bow wave just off
the pads, that had to be a Carp? I felt
confident I was in with a chance of a fish tonight. I whiled away the daylight hours with a float
rod and maggots and as usual caught a stream of silver fish; starting off with
two nice Roach of about 8ozs, after that the fish got steadily smaller.
Darkness crept over the Marsh, the bats began swooping and the first
owl of the evening hooted. I packed up
the float rod for the night then topped up the bait on my two other rods. I figured as it was dark I might as well get
into my kip bag and have some sleep.
Hopefully I’d be up at dawn and back on the float rod.
The night was cool, dry but uneventful although there were a couple of
fishy sounding splashes from the vicinity of the lilies. By 0515 I was up and out with the float rods
having recast both rods and topped up the groundbait. I still felt in with a chance of a Tench or
Carp in this early morning period. I
used maize as bait on the float rod as it is inedible to the silver fish and
kept a regular stream of palm sized balls of groundbait going in, one a cast. If ever I switched to maggot the Rudd and Roach
were on it instantly. By 0900 the sun
was up high and I’d given up my chances of the fish I was after. I decided to cut my losses and have an
afternoon fishing elsewhere.

By 1230 I was pulling into the car park of the “puddle” and it was déjà
vu as I encountered another packed car park.
An impromptu match was taking place which cut down my options
considerably. I managed to find a shady swim
I’d fished before that was a little out of the way and enabled me to be anti-social
and fish in peace. Unfortunately the
fish weren’t playing ball, the only ones in the swim were under an overhanging
tree and wouldn’t be tempted out. After
a couple of hours fishing I’d managed two small Roach on maggots and that was
my lot, however the match was drawing to a close and my options were increasing.
I found a group of carp enjoying the afternoon sun and they were right
onto the mixers I threw out. That would
do me, a few fish then home for tea! The
carp were moving around, patrolling the bushes, taking the odd floater en route
but not over confident. What I should
have done was feed them for a while and get them really feeding confidently but
I was impatient. However it wasn’t long
before a nice mirror took the bait and I had a bend in the rod…for a few
seconds before the hook pulled. Half an
hour later, another take and a repeat performance, I began to get that feeling…
I still hadn’t managed to spook the fish though, they were still
drifting around and still slurping down the odd floater. Finally another take and a fish which stayed
on! It was a small common but by that
stage I didn’t care. It bombed up and
down the margins for a bit then rolled over and allowed me to draw it towards
the net…then the hook pulled out! I literally
laughed out loud. But still the fish
were there and one was considerably bigger than the rest. By this stage I was too disparate to try and
single this fish out but there it was to my left confidently taking the mixers
on the edge of a bush, all I had to do was swing my freelined bait out and… My
bait landed straight in the bush and in the ensuing commotion the fish bolted
in a boil of water. At this point I
admitted defeat.

Some may have noticed I edited my post last week. The Broads Authority took offence at me accusing
them of knowingly poisoning the water, (which of course they didn’t). Their solicitor sent me an email threatening
legal action and advised me to speak to a solicitor of my own. What I should have said was the Broads
Authority is knowingly carrying out work that many people believe will lead to
a potentially toxic algal bloom. However
it’s worded, the BA knows the risks and is doing it anyway. I’ve continued my correspondence with personnel
at the BA including the CEO Dr John Packman.
I asked him what he would do if there was a repeat of 1969 but so far
have had no reply. The man heading the
dredging project Mr Rob Rogers has gone quiet, only issuing the Environment
Agency’s press release by way of an answer.
So gentlemen, now we’ve established that you read this (I’m humbled…);
If your work goes wrong and there is a big fish kill, will you resign? Once again I ask, is it all worth the risk?
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